Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

Mastering LinkedIn Content Marketing: Timing, Strategy, and Building Connections

Publisched on
10th August 2023
Mastering LinkedIn Content Marketing: Timing, Strategy, and Building Connections

As the world's largest professional network, LinkedIn has become an essential platform for content marketing. With over 700 million members, spanning every sector, niche, and region, the platform's potential for brand visibility and engagement is undeniable. However, while content is king, timing is its queen. Sharing a post when your audience is most active can significantly influence its reach and impact. Let's delve into insights from LinkedIn Content Marketing experts to determine the optimal timing for sharing your LinkedIn posts.

1. Understanding LinkedIn's User Behavior

LinkedIn differs from other social media platforms. It's primarily a professional platform, where people come to grow their careers, network, and consume industry-related content. This means the behavior of LinkedIn users is often influenced by working hours.

  • Morning Surges: Many users check their LinkedIn feed in the morning, similar to how one would read a newspaper.
  • Midday Breaks: During lunch hours or short breaks, there’s an uptick in activity.
  • Evening Dips: After the traditional workday, users may check in once again, although the traffic isn’t as heavy as during the start of the day.

2. Expert Recommendations on Optimal Timing

Content marketing experts have studied user behaviors and engagement rates to recommend the following optimal posting times for LinkedIn:

  • Weekdays, especially Tuesday to Thursday: Given LinkedIn’s professional nature, weekdays are better for engagement compared to weekends. Particularly, the middle of the week sees the highest activity.
  • Early Mornings between 7:00 AM—9:00 AM: This taps into the habit of users who check updates as they start their day.
  • Lunch Hours around 12:00 PM: A brief window when professionals take breaks.
  • Early Evening from 5:00 PM—6:00 PM: Catching users as they wrap up for the day.

While these times serve as a good starting point, it's crucial to understand that optimal times can vary based on your audience's region, profession, and habits.

3. Consider Your Global Audience

If you have a global audience or are targeting professionals in different time zones, consider their work hours. For instance, if your primary audience is in both New York and London, you might want to post twice or choose a time when both regions are active.

By combining expert insights, personal observations, and a dash of experimentation, you can determine the optimal timing and strategy to make your content shine and resonate with your desired audience.

4. The Role of LinkedIn’s Algorithm

Understanding LinkedIn’s algorithm is key to maximizing your content’s visibility. While timing is crucial, LinkedIn also prioritizes relevant and quality content that sparks genuine engagement.

  • Engagement: LinkedIn favors posts that receive quick engagement. When your content gets likes, shares, and comments shortly after posting, the platform is more likely to showcase it to a broader audience.
  • Rich Content: Including images, videos, and other media can enhance user engagement. A captivating visual or an insightful video can make users pause and engage with your post.
  • Relevance: Tailoring content to your audience’s interests is vital. LinkedIn's algorithm considers the relevance of a post to a user's profession and interests when determining its visibility.

5. Adjusting to Feedback

Regularly monitor the performance of your LinkedIn posts. Insights provided by LinkedIn Analytics can guide your content strategy:

  • Engagement Metrics: Check likes, shares, and comments to gauge the popularity of a post.
  • Reach Metrics: View the number of people who saw your content. This can help determine the efficacy of your chosen posting time.
  • Audience Demographics: Understand who's engaging with your content. This can offer cues about the relevance and appeal of your content to different segments.

Using this feedback, you can tweak your content type, style, and posting times to better cater to your audience.

6. Experiment and Refine

No two audiences are the same. While expert recommendations provide a strong foundation, it’s essential to test different timings, content formats, and engagement strategies. Run controlled experiments by varying one factor at a time, like posting at a different time or trying a new content format, and observe the results.

7. Building Relationships

Instead of only broadcasting your messages, use LinkedIn as a tool to engage and build genuine relationships:

  • Engage with Others: Consistently comment on, like, and share content from your network. Genuine engagement not only boosts your visibility but also fosters relationships that can lead to meaningful connections and collaborations.
  • Join Groups: Participate in LinkedIn groups related to your industry or interests. Engaging in group discussions showcases your expertise and helps you understand the pulse of your industry.
  • Direct Messaging: Use LinkedIn's direct messaging, or LinkedIn automated messaging, wisely. Instead of generic pitches, try to personalize messages and initiate genuine conversations.

8. Personal Branding

In a platform crowded with professionals, standing out is crucial. Here’s how you can build a strong personal brand on LinkedIn:

  • Consistent Storytelling: Share experiences, stories, and insights that align with your personal and professional branding. A narrative style can make your content memorable and relatable.
  • Showcase Achievements: Update your accomplishments, certifications, and recognitions. But balance it by also highlighting team achievements and giving credit where it's due.
  • Profile Optimization: Regularly update your LinkedIn profile. A compelling headline, a professional photo, and an engaging summary can make a huge difference in how people perceive you.

9. Leverage LinkedIn Tools and Features

LinkedIn frequently introduces new features. Stay updated and leverage them:

  • LinkedIn Stories: Inspired by Snapchat and Instagram, LinkedIn Stories allows for short-lived content. It's a great way to share timely updates or give a glimpse into daily professional life.
  • LinkedIn Polls: Use LinkedIn polls to gauge opinions, conduct market research, generate leads or simply engage your audience in a fun, interactive manner.
  • LinkedIn Live: Dive into LinkedIn Live video to host Q&A sessions, webinars, or share live updates from events.

10. Stay Updated and Adapt

The digital landscape is always evolving. To stay relevant:

  • Trends: Keep an eye on emerging trends in content marketing and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Feedback Loop: Always seek feedback from your network. Understand what they love, what they skip, and what they want more of.
  • Continuous Learning: Platforms like LinkedIn offer learning resources and courses. Invest in upskilling to keep your content strategy fresh and impactful.

In conclusion, LinkedIn presents a dynamic platform abundant with content marketing prospects. To enhance your effectiveness, it's vital to combine expert counsel with your distinct perceptions of your audience. Through comprehension of user actions, utilization of the platform's algorithm, and receptiveness to input, you can refine your LinkedIn content strategy to achieve utmost engagement and expansiveness.

Embracing a comprehensive and flexible method towards LinkedIn content marketing empowers you to cultivate substantial connections, reinforce your personal brand, and adeptly interact with your intended audience.



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