Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

How to Track LinkedIn Ads Using Google Analytics

Publisched on
4th April 2021

If you are confused about adding Google Analytics to your LinkedIn profile to track LinkedIn ads, read on.

LinkedIn is emerging as one of the most effective and reliable professional platforms. It lets you market your business and services.

The platform of LinkedIn provides its standard audience, which is the skilled professionals, a distinct edge.

You can advertise your business and services through LinkedIn. It helps you earn more and more customers. So resulting in increased conversions and visibility. You can track LinkedIn ads as well.

LinkedIn lets you connect with other professionals all around the globe and you can easily generate leads, foster professional relationships, and market your services at the same time.

Data "IS" the most significant element of professionally managed Digital Marketing Campaigns, ordinarily in Marketing. Analyzing the data, we are actually creating, optimizing, and revamping for successful campaigns.

Moreover, making the right use by analysing the data will be the way for the identification of your own business.

It also helps you target audiences' right set by amplifying the effectiveness of the digital marketing campaign.

There are a lot of ways to analyze the effectiveness of our data and advertisement campaigns.

Google Play URL builder and Google analytics URL builder ( just some ways to do so)

However, these tools help you if you want to track LinkedIn ads. Google Analytics is known to be a pretty, reliable tool. Now it can be utilized to track LinkedIn ads and evaluate the data.

If you are unaware of the way you can track LinkedIn ads through Google Analytics, read on because we will tell you the crucial ways. Follow the simple steps below to start tracking your LinkedIn Ads with the help of Google analytics.

NOTE: If you are marketing an Android application, utilize the Google Play URL Builder. If you are selling an iOS app, use the iOS Tracking URL Builder. Or else, you should utilize the first Google Analytics Campain URL Builder.).

Addition of Personalized Campaign Parameters:

The first step is to ensure the addition of the structure of a personalized campaign in the URLs. You can do so through the right use of the tools that help you build URLs offered by Google Analytics to tag the URLs with your personalized tracking structures.

To do so, simply head over to LinkedIn. Then add the details in the Form by pasting the URL of your landing page.

Additionally, add the desired information of the campaign you want to Track and/or Measure.


  • Website URL*
  • Campaign source*
  • The Campaign Medium*
  • Campaign Name*
  • Campaign Term
  • The Campaign Content

Once you have filled in all the details (requires are marked with *), the Tracking URL builder will create a tagged Tracking URL for your need.

Copy and Paste:

The next step is to simply copy the tagged URL you just got.

Paste it into the Ads destination URL tab in LinkedIn.

Go to the “Add destination” tab and paste this link in the “your web page” tab.

Track LinkedIn Ads:

The final step is to just head over to the “Google Analytics Reporting” section.

From there, you can see your LinkedIn ads being tracked in the section named “All Traffic Section”.

It is as simple as that!

Additionally, you can also generate a personalized report by utilizing Google Analytics.

To do so, follow the simple steps below:

  • Head over to the “Customization” tab in the navigation section.
  • Choose the option of "New Personalized Report."
  • Select a relevant name for the report.
  • Choose the “Add metric” option from there. Then choose the columns of metrics to track.
  • The next step is to click “Add Dimension” and choose how you would like to have the data.
  • The last step is to save your selections, and now you are good to go!

Through these simple and quick steps, you have enabled yourself to track the LinkedIn ads in Google analytics.

You will be entitled to receive a personalized measurement report of the Track.


With a unique blend of LinkedIn and Google Analytics, you can see that there are plenty of unique data reporting functions that you can use to enhance your advertisements' efficiency.

However, you can even measure your campaign performance more extensively.

Adapting to market fluctuations, you can identify new opportunities to optimize your advertisements through their collaboration.

You can use your measurements to test a new target audience and revamp the content accordingly .

It lets you play around with creativity to measure your campaign by collecting the important segments (metrics) used to analyze the Data between the Platforms.

The Google Campaign Manager integration empowers you to have a look at the LinkedIn advertising effectiveness.

It does so with the rest of your payment spending and the results of LinkedIn advertisements. It keeps a check on it through all impressions and online interactions.

Google Analytics helps you track your LinkedIn ads pretty well. The results it brings are reliable and quick.

Now you can create more compelling advertisements through LinkedIn.

Just explore the excellent features it brings for you.



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