Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

LinkedIn Prospecting for Financial Advisors—10 Best Conversation Starters

Publisched on
10th July 2022

Are you on the lookout for the top financial advisor LinkedIn prospecting conversation starters?

Cheers; you are reading the right post! In the past, people used to get a scheduled phone call or a message from a person who wants to sell something. The sellers repeatedly sent calls and messages to reach out to potential clients, which became much monotonous.

But now, with digital technology rapidly taking place everywhere, the networks have evolved tremendously. Now, if you want to message or call many prospects every month, you need to follow a customized approach. It would help if you tried to our some new templates and message scripts.

For financial advisors, it is not a challenge to connect with prospective clients on LinkedIn. The real challenge is to start a conversation with the prospects. As a financial advisor, you need to strike up your LinkedIn conversations. And you can do this by first asking a question to your prospective client to get to know what he wants. This will make you start a conversation with your prospects while saving the selling for later.

In today’s post, let’s talk about the top 10 financial advisor LinkedIn tips. So, if you are a financial advisor who wants to start and grow real conversations with prospective clients, you need to follow these conversion starters. So, are you ready to explore these top and best conversion starters? Let's take a start now!

Common Connection

The first most essential yet compelling LinkedIn message for a financial advisor is a standard connection. It means that instead of sending a canned template format, you need to create a common connection with your prospects. For example, let's consider that you sent a connection request to your prospective client without even knowing what he does or whether he requires financial services or not. If you send a simple message in the same template format, chances are your prospective client ignores or deletes the message. However, even if you send the same message repeatedly, maybe the client's reaction remains the same.

At this point, you need to create a connection with your prospect by sending a message that sparks curiosity. For example, you can create a standard connection by sending a message like:

“I have noticed yesterday that we both have connections with Alleyy. He was my colleague in XYZ Company. He is such a gentleman. How do you know him?”

“Hey, I was looking at your profile yesterday and I have come to know that you have been working in a popular company (you can add company name here) for many years. That is super cool, indeed. I want to know more about your experience working there.”

Comment Recognition – Financial Advisor LinkedIn Prospecting

Financial Advisor LinkedIn Prospecting

Another conversation starter that you may use as a financial advisor is comment recognition. You can start conversations with prospective clients so that you have seen his comment on a poster, and now you want to know his point of view on that. For example, you can say that:

"I think your comment on a poster (you can add poster name here) is pretty right. However, I am curious to know your detailed point of view on that poster."


As you have started a conversation by talking about a comment your target client has given, you can also talk about the recent post that he has published. This is another Financial Advisor LinkedIn Tip that you can use. If you start a conversation with a prospective client in this way, the client will feel that you have researched something that means a lot to him.

For example, you can talk about a post on a specific topic recently shared by the prospect. You can appreciate the post saying that:

“Last Friday, I have read your post on the topic (include topic here) and I must say that it is a great post and I completely appreciate it. I would love to know what you think about that topic.”

Job Recognition

Financial Advisor LinkedIn Prospecting

Nowadays, people tend to evaluate messages and calls that they get every day. If you do not research your target audience, you will keep sending those general messages that may annoy your audience. That is why, if you are a financial advisor, it is always recommended that you reach your prospective customers in the best way for your financial planning business. For example, let's consider that you have seen job commonality between you and your prospect. You can easily talk about it and start the conversation. You can say:

“By reading your profile, I have come to know that you are working in a famous company (include name of the company here). I used to work in this company for five years. Do you know Allen (the person you know at (company name)?”

Alumni Affiliation

If you think that people accept your conversation requests, but then there is complete silence over them, it is time to make your conversation effective. It would be best to start a conversation with the prospects by talking about something that may urge them to respond to you. For example, if you have come to know that your prospect is a university alumnus, you can start your conversation like this:

“I have come to know by looking at your profile information that you are the current student of institution (you can add institution name here). I attended this university back in the year (year). It was a great time. Do you live on campus? (You can ask a random question as well).”

Location – Financial Advisor LinkedIn Prospecting

To start a conversation, you should write messages that help prospects discover why to connect with you to get financial advice. So, here is another compelling LinkedIn message for a financial advisor, and it is to talk about location. For example, you can talk about your friend who lives in the same area in which your prospective client lives. You can ask him whether he knows your friend or not or you can talk about some popular landmark in that location.


Apart from location, you can also start a conversation by talking about sports. Throughout your entire career as a financial advisor, you need to learn the mindset of your prospective clients. It would be best if you researched your clients to get their attention and stand out from the rest of the financial advisors in the industry.

Another way is to talk about your favorite sports team or ask the prospect about the team he is supporting. Furthermore, you can also talk about the match, highlights, players, etc. Whatever you talk about sports, you need to understand the current aspects that may motivate your client. By doing so, you can power effective outreach messages.

Client Website | Financial Advisor LinkedIn Prospecting

Here is one of the most crucial conversation starters for financial advisors, and it is to talk about the client's website. For this, first, you need to do research on your client's website and tell him what you discovered in it. If you do not do research, you will get few responses from the prospects.

For example, you can start a conversation with a prospect like this:

“Thank you for connecting with me. I have visited your website and noticed its important feature (you can talk about feature here). I want to know about it more.”

Never try to put a yes/no question in your message as it cannot facilitate conversation. Why? Because if a prospect replies with a YES, that's good, but if he replies NO, he will ignore the message.

Career | Financial Advisor LinkedIn Prospecting

Another way to start a conversation with prospects is to talk about their career. This is the area in which they will be interested. You can talk about their career, including specialization, training, educational institute, etc. For example, you can start a conversation with a prospect like this:

“As I was looking through your profile, I have come to know about your specialization. How did you develop your interest in this field?

Company News

The next best conversation starter for a financial advisor is to talk about the company that your prospect owns. Always ask for more details from your prospects so they can respond and discuss the topic with you. For example, you can talk about a company like this:

"Today, I was reading an article and I have come to know that your company has made its mark in (discovery). So I am curious to know more about (discovery)."

It is an excellent example of a conversation starter. Remember that you do not need to book a meeting with your client on the first contact. Instead, go for a positive conversation that makes your client respond.

Conclusion: So, these are the best yet effective financial advisor LinkedIn prospecting messages. If you think that people accept your conversation requests, but then there is complete silence over them, it is time to make your conversation effective. Yeah, you heard that right! If you want to keep your reputation as a financial advisor intact and begin honest discussions with prospects, it is time to follow the above-mentioned financial advisor LinkedIn tips.

Final and Last Thoughts:

Imagine applying the above knowledge combined with the power that our own LinkedIn Automation tool called "Linked Assist" offers.



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