Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

How Business Professionals Can Improve Their Linkedin Social Selling Index (SSI) Score

Publisched on
9th June 2022

Are you a Business Professional and wondering how you can bring the most out of LinkedIn Social Selling for your company? You must have listened to the same thing repeatedly that LinkedIn is a social platform that brings new clients to the business, right? But can't understand how you can get leads and conversions for your business via this social platform? Well, LinkedIn is not just a social platform, but it’s a network of professionals that helps you develop your career as an individual and uplift your business to new heights.

One of the researches indicates that LinkedIn can bring up to 80% more leads and conversions than your other social media channel.  It works best for both business environments, the B2B and B2C, connecting you with the right audience and business partners that lead you to have a great business revenue within days.

One important feature that LinkedIn offers for any business is the Social Selling Index (SSI) score. It's a stat or tool that measures how effective a Business Professional is at making your brand established. LinkedIn calculates your score by monitoring your engagement with the right audience, building new connections, well-optimized advertisement, building long-term relations, and much more. The more the SSI score you have, the stronger the business profile and the more you are getting business out of LinkedIn. In other words, it's stats that show how effective you are at selling your financial services to the targeted people in the market.

Your LinkedIn Social Selling Score showcases your LinkedIn profile worth as a Business Professional. In addition, it shows how competitive you are in your profession. Let's have a brief look at how you can use LinkedIn stats for Business Professionals. Also, what are the LinkedIn prospecting for Business Professionals to have a better understanding:

What Are the Things Rated in Your Linkedin Social Selling or Ssi Score?

LinkedIn social selling

Social Selling Index is an algorithm introduced by LinkedIn after analyzing and monitoring the results of the top LinkedIn profiles and sales leaders over the platform. Your SSI score is rated between 0 to 100. The algorithm scores your profile based on these four factors of your LinkedIn Social Selling activities which include:

  • Establishing the right network for your financial brand
  • Finding the right audience
  • Engage with the insights
  • Build connections and long-term relations

These four elements let you create strong relations and networks with the right customers, community, partners, and prospects that help your brand grow every passing day. Let’s learn more about how you can optimize your profile for a better LinkedIn Social Selling score:

Create a Strong Profile for Your Professional Brand

Business Professionals

Come up with the profile with full star rated. The full-star profile is considered a complete profile and lets you have a better LinkedIn social selling score. To achieve the full-star profile, try focusing on the following points:

Write a profile headline

This will indicate your area of interest, expertise, future goals, and targeted audience. For instance, as a Business Professional in the Financial Industry, try to write something like this, "I am a Professional Financial Advisor helping divorcees to manage their financial expenses and risks in the United States."

Use a High-resolution Photo as Your Profile Image:

It should be something very formal with a plain background and less casual.

Write a Well-optimized LinkedIn Summary:

It should give more clearance on what you have written in your headline. Since the buyers can only see your first two to three LinkedIn Summary lines, try to write something very catchy to grab his attention to connect with you and avail of your services. For instance, "Get a free consultation with an advisor with 10+ years of experience in finance management and 90+ successful portfolios and still counting." This is how the buyer will tend to be more interested in your services and connect with you.

Make Sure Your Experience Section on the Profile Is Completed:

Fill it with the volunteer work & complete education details. Remember that your headline and summary are more about attracting the buyer or user with your expertise by playing with the words. Whereas your experience section is proof of what you have written in your all-over profile. Ensure you don't forget to mention your key clients, employers, university, college, school, and past jobs. If you have not done any volunteer work yet, you can then write about your area of interest in the section. Try focusing on how you can be helpful to others.

LinkedIn also allows you to have recommendations from your network. You can add the recommendation link in your profile sections to have useful suggestions and comments from some of your happy clients and well-maintained and established connections so they can write something nice about your services.

Improve Your Prospecting and Find the Right Audience

Business Professionals

LinkedIn is a network of millions of professionals where you receive and send numerous invitations daily. But to improve your LinkedIn social selling score, focus on accepting the invitations from the networkers who fulfill your targeted audience's criteria and refer your services and profile to the right users. Set your monthly or weekly target. Shortlist the professionals or businesses you want to connect with and send them personalized invitations.

LinkedIn notifies you of each visit you get from a new user. Check their profiles and send them invitations if you find them more interested in your services. Moreover, there are numerous LinkedIn groups that you can join depending upon your business. LinkedIn groups are the perfect way to connect with your potential clients. You may send unlimited messages and invitations to have more connections. But always remember that creating wrong connections with an irrelevant audience will lower your LinkedIn social selling score.

Quality or Quantity of Connections?

Business Professional

It's a very common question that all Business Professionals usually ask while making efforts to get their profiles' high LinkedIn Social Selling Scores. Does it matter to have more number connections or more quality connections? Experts say if you have a network with 2200 or above connections, they are not close enough or related to your business. So how will these connections be effective to your business? Always prefer quality over quantity.

Once you make your profile, decide to get at least 500 relevant connections who are more likely into your business and services rather than approaching thousands of irrelevant people. LinkedIn needs to have at least 500 or above connections to enable LinkedIn social selling on your profile.

Try to connect with the people from your region or where you intend to provide your services. In this way, you will get the right leads for your business. Moreover, you also prefer to accept or send connection invitations to those you have common interests and connections with.

Being a Business Professionals matters a lot in how you approach new people over your LinkedIn profile. Rather than sending one message to all the connections, always write a personalized invite that looks more like an individualized approach. This is how your target audience will be more likely to accept your invitation. In addition, they will be able to know about your services and business. So, always try approaching the right audience in the right region. This is how you will get the right potential leads, ultimately making your LinkedIn social selling score higher.

Use Automated Scheduling Wisely.

social media posting

You can find numerous auto-scheduling and Groups Auto-Poster tools, but make sure you use them wisely if you want to score good LinkedIn social selling. Such tools can lower your profile rank that ultimately could affect your connections and social selling score by overusing them. LinkedIn also has disallowed auto-posting and updates in the groups to abbreviate the spam.

Experts recommend logging in to your account once or twice a day. Then spend some time checking for your new invitations and reply to your messages. This will tend to have more relevant connections over your profile and cut down the chances of connecting with the wrong audience.

How Long Does It Take to Boost Your Linkedin Social Selling Score?


You may improve your LinkedIn social selling score within a week or two by investing effective 20 minutes to half an hour daily from your schedule. You will see your growth within days. The small investment of time will boost your brand visibility and connections growth. It will build trust among the audience to approach you and connect with you to avail of your services. Focus on making your LinkedIn profile more result-oriented than making it public to the wrong people. This will lead you to gain a better LinkedIn social Selling Score. You can do it by creating the right community of your potential clients and businesses.

Bottom Line:

LinkedIn Social Selling Score is a stat that shows how effective you are at marketing or selling your financial services. The better the score you have, the better you are capable. The score is calculated by the LinkedIn algorithm that monitors and analyzes your daily LinkedIn activities. You need to have a minimum of 50 or 51 connections to enable LinkedIn social Selling (SSI) score.

A better SSI brings more business for you. Additionally, it lets you know the required improvements you need to make in your marketing strategy. Also, it indicated what betterment you need to bring to connect with the right people. It starts from creating a powerful LinkedIn business existence with a strong and well-optimized profile, and it's a never-ending process. The more time you invest, the better LinkedIn Social Selling score you achieve and the business you get. 



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