Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

How to Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn Profile | Step-by-Step CV Upload

Publisched on
22nd July 2024
How to Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn Profile | Step-by-Step CV Upload

Watch the Video Tutorial here

Step 1: Log in to LinkedIn

  • Open your web browser and go to LinkedIn.
  • Enter your credentials, your email, and password to log in.

Step 2: Take Control of Your Profile

  • Click on your profile picture or name in the top bar to view your profile page.

Step 3: Add Profile Section. This is where you take control of your profile, shaping it to reflect your professional journey. Click the "Add profile section" button on your profile page.

  • Select "Featured" from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Uploading Your Resume is a Breeze. Simply click the "+" icon next to "Featured."

  • Choose "Media" from the options.
  • A file selection window will pop up. Navigate to the location of your resume on your computer, select it, and click "Open."

Step 5: Review and Save

  • After uploading, LinkedIn will display a preview of your resume.
  • Add a title and a description for your CV (resume).
  • Then, click "Save" to add your resume to your profile's "Featured" section.

Alternative Method: Add to Job Applications Settings

Step 1: Access Settings

  1. Click on the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage and select "Settings & Privacy" from the dropdown.

Step 2: Job Seeking Preferences

  1. In the left sidebar, select "Data privacy."
  2. Click on "Job seeking preferences."

Step 3: Upload Your Resume

  1. Under "Job application settings," click "Upload resume."
  2. Select your CV file from your computer and upload it.

This method will save your resume for easy job application through LinkedIn, making the application process more efficient and professional.

Tips for a Successful Resume Upload

  • Ensure your CV (resume) is up-to-date with your latest work experience and skills.
  • Use a precise and professional file name for your resume, such as "John_Doe_Resume.pdf."
  • Format your resume in a universally accepted format like PDF, and make sure it appears correctly on all devices.

By following these steps, you'll successfully upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile, making it easier for potential employers to see your qualifications. This guide is your tool to enhance your LinkedIn profile for job applications. Remember, we're here to support you every step of the way.

Now that you've learned how to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile, you can put it into practice. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your job applications!



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