Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

Useful LinkedIn Lead Generation Tips & Tools

Publisched on
30th March 2021

LinkedIn has about 660 million users, all of which go on there to get information and connect with people outside their regular circle.

However, how is it possible for a business to use this platform to increase leads and gain more visibility?

The following points will be of help for your LinkedIn Lead Generation:

Be consistent in updating

An excellent way to appear on the news feed of your connection while on LinkedIn and stay on their mind is to provide regular updates.

By doing this, apart from putting out good information regularly, you are also sharing industry-relevant tips and news that people can see and use for their good.

Also, people get to know that you post regularly, and it will help those who view your feed to see your levels of engagement periodically.

You can begin today by sharing:

  • Relevant tips on your industry
  • Work-related opinion
  • Link to something you read recently.

Start by publishing

The simple act of posting on social media helps you to establish credibility that will help you to gain connections.

Sharing an article that you fund interesting, putting an original article or sharing a thought can quickly get you noticed.

So, think of something to put on LinkedIn.

It could be a blog post or something you write on just LinkedIn and not your company website.

If you've ever thought of writing a blog post to share some valuable insights, then you can consider posting it on LinkedIn.

Also, you can choose to re-publish something you put on your company website on LinkedIn as a means of getting more leads.

Get Linked Assist for best LinkedIn Lead Generation

LinkedIn Lead Generation

LinkedIn Lead Generation tools are all the rage right now with LinkedIn, and there is none as effective as Linked Assist.

Linked Assist is a Chrome extension and software that helps you generate quality and sustainable leads.

Regardless of the niche you're in, Linked Assist s effective nonetheless.

It helps you reach much more prospects easily, thereby boosting your chances of getting likes, comments, and increased engagement.

Create a post on SlideShare

Just as it is with publishing a post, a SlideShare post means creating a piece of content that your potential consumers will consume.

It turned out that millions of people are actively looking to get content every month through SlideShare.

The platform works as an innovative way to have slideshows shared and share information in the slideshows.

SlideShare can help generate leads and connect customers through content they get to see regularly.

Enter some LinkedIn Groups

There are about 2.1 million groups available on LinkedIn.

So, if you're looking to get some quality leads, you can join up with some relevant groups.

It is a great way to begin.

However, keep this in mind whenever you’re looking for a LinkedIn group to join.

Always go for those with high levels of activity.

Once you have been able to choose a group, do your best to contribute to discussions by commenting on other peoples’ posts, significantly those posts that match your area of expertise.

Engaging in spirited discussions and answering questions is a way you can establish some authority in your field.

It also builds trust and brings the right kind of leads to you.

Get on InMail

InMail is one of the most popular and effective marketing tools on LinkedIn.

It helps to improve lead generation because it gives the ability to send messages to people who aren't within your range of direct connections.

InMail is also an effective tool for walking around gatekeepers and developing some form of personal contact with your prospects.

According to the social network itself, marketers who use InMail have 30 times more likelihood of obtaining responses than those who engage in acts like cold calling.

However, here’s a helpful tip:

Before you compose a message to a potential contact on InMail or by using Linked Assist, do some research on them and find some similarities that you can add to the message.

It’s a great way to develop a personal touch.

Sponsored Updates

Years ago, LinkedIn conducted a case study on Adobe Systems Inc.

As a part of a growth strategy, LinkedIn's Sponsored Updates were used by Adobe.

The company found that decision-makers who saw the updates had a 79% higher likelihood of agreeing that their media spend optimized by Adobe.

The demerit of Sponsored Updates is that you pay whenever someone clicks.

The merit, however, is that you get to reach a new audience because Sponsored Updates get to LinkedIn users who aren't your direct connections; they're effective in optimizing your reach and developing even more leads.

Work on your company description

One of the most valuable- yet underrated- tools on your LinkedIn is your company profile's description.

Use this space to address your targeted audience and ensure that the focus is majorly on the first two sentences.

Try highlighting your company's value and benefit and a call to action that encourages visiting a section of your profile or following you.



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