Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

LinkedIn Marketing Hacks To Gain More LinkedIn Followers For Your Business

Publisched on
14th June 2021

There is nothing more pleasing than watching your social media followers grow after you've put in the required work. Before we further reveal the tips that can help you, let's take a minute and ask ourselves these fundamental questions:

  • Why should we even care if our followers grow or not?
  • Is it because it's common to have a lot of followers?
  • Is it because we want to generate leads from it?
  • Or is it because we are trying to make our dreams come true?

If you don't have a reason behind why you need your social media followers to grow, you will find out that it is pretty easy to get distracted with other things, making you even drop your social media account.

But if your goal is so big that it barely allows you to sleep at night, then we guess you must have already figured out why you need to grow your social media account on LinkedIn and other platforms. And that is the first step to achieving greatness. Because without purpose, there will be little or no motivation.

Growing your followership on LinkedIn is an important marketing goal that everyone willing to expand their business needs to pay attention to. The ability to do this will lead to more organic reach; it will also easily position you as a thought leader in your industry. Having a large following will equally increase your social proof and make people tend to trust you. Getting more followers is a crucial step towards building your desired community on LinkedIn.
Below are some tips that will help you increase your followership on LinkedIn


  1. A complete profile is mandatory

    A half-baked LinkedIn profile will struggle a lot more to generate leads and followers than a complete profile. Go through your page, and make sure that it is complete with the correct details.

    While reviewing your LinkedIn profile, feel free to add or remove any outdated information that might not be necessary to your visitors and replace it with a more relevant one. Also, try to make it as appealing as possible to attract and retain the type of target audience that you want.

    Research over time says pages with complete information get up to 40% more on views than incomplete pages.

  2. Engage your employees

    Remember that your employees are your strongest allies when it boils down to increasing your followership on LinkedIn. Try as much as you can to encourage them to spread the word to both their friends and colleagues that might be interested in your services. If you have a new page on LinkedIn, implementing this tip will serve as the stepping stone that will help grow your account.

    Encourage your team to tag others in your updates and also to share your posts with their followers. It will give your profile a big boost.

  3. Include a Follow button on your website

    Get creative by adding a follow button on your website, which directly links to your LinkedIn profile. Try to compel them to follow your page without making it so obvious. You can compose a message such as "if you like our content here, we guarantee you will also love what we share on LinkedIn."

  4. Link your page to your email signature

    This is one move that pays major dividends. You can also try to edit your work email signature in a way that includes a link that directs your target audience to your organization's LinkedIn page. Keep in mind that the purpose of doing this is to stir up the need for them to follow, so take your time and be as creative as possible.
  1. Post content regularly

    Constantly publishing fresh content on your page over time will make it more visible and increase your chances of getting a follow from those who find your content interesting.

  2. Engage in relevant conversations

    If you want to explore new territories with your inventive ideas and creativity, you should add three to five relevant hashtags in your industry. Including relevant hashtags in your posts will allow you to react and comment on various conversations to further push your brand name to new and relevant target audiences.

  3. Seek help from brand advocates

    If you have people (friends and customers) that are close to you who are crazy about your brand? Then try to let them know that growing your followership is paramount and see if they can help you by posting about your brand or career on their network.

  4. Tag or mention influencers that you admire

    Almost everyone has a role model that they look up to and would like to be associated with within their industry. After identifying yours, @mention some of them while posting updates on your page, and you'll have a higher chance to appear before their feed. Remember, this strategy will only be effective when it's not abused as it can easily become spammy. You can also collaborate with these influencers and create content to share and tag each other. This will increase the influencer's recognition within your followers, target audience, and vice versa.

  5. Share lots of visual content

    Try to switch things up every once in a while because posting the same content all the time can quickly get boring. Also, ensure that whatever you're posting is eye-catching. You can try a blend of photos and videos as they tend to attract people. It will also help your brand to get noticed quickly. You can equally publish collages of interesting photos if you have them, as they also tend to encourage more traffic on LinkedIn.

  6. Encourage employees to participate in LinkedIn Groups

    Encourage your employees to join groups on LinkedIn and be a part of conversations where they can get to express how passionate they are about topics that relate to your niche. Over time, they can also introduce topics about what you offer as a brand and what makes your company stand out. This will boost your company's awareness and increase its followership.

  7. Review your competitors' brand pages

    Every business has its competitors. And competitor analysis is crucial when it comes to digital marketing. Constantly review what your competitors are doing, not so you can imitate them, but rather to do the opposite. By identifying what they do, you will know what to adjust, which will make your brand stand out.

  8. Encourage influential people to mention your page

    Research and discover some of the prominent figures that matter in your industry and then try to establish a connection with them. This is vital because they will serve as critical voices that can increase your page's visibility. This set of people usually have large professional networks, so when they frequently discuss your brand on their page and @mention you, it will drive more traffic and followers to your page.

  9. Encourage activities on your posts

    When followers engage with the content you share on your page by either reacting or commenting, it exposes it to a wider audience. The exposure sometimes can even get to a point where the followers of those who reacted can see it. Try to brainstorm on the type of content that will encourage such comments on your page, and remember to reply.

    Again, we also know that it's not every comment worthy of a response, but it will benefit your brand if you respond to questions and thoughtful contributions on your page. It will drive high feed visibility, and new followers will be encouraged to engage in your community actively.

  10. Start a campaign

    You can gain highly relevant followers to your brand by running a Dynamic Ad campaign through the follower Ad format.

  11. Create and maintain Showcase Page

    What is a LinkedIn Showcase Page? [VIDEO | Duration 56 Seconds] A Showcase Page is an extension of your brand's LinkedIn Page. And this page is meant to spotlight a targeted sub-brand, concept, or business unit.

    Create a LinkedIn Showcase page [VIDEO | Duration 3 Minutes] when the need arises as it will help in developing various ways your brand will be discovered. But take note, creating numerous showcase pages for every product your brand sells may weaken your online presence. Remember, this feature is best for a broader business line.

  12. Share available job offers on your page

    LinkedIn is undoubtedly one of the biggest professional networks that create job openings for recruits daily. So this provides another way for you to increase your followership by posting some of these job offers on your page. This will open up a wide range of audiences who will not only be interested but also tell some of their friends about your brand.

The benefits of having large followership that frequently engages with your page are unquantifiable. Whether you're new or not, applying the tips that we have shared in this article will create more opportunities for your brand to grow.



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