Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms: The Easy Way to Huge B2B Lead Gen

Publisched on
22nd April 2021

The most innovative and effortless way to collect quality leads created For Marketing Professionals and Brands.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms designed for potential customers that usually don't want to fill out the form on mobile sites to get a piece of valuable content for their needs in return. Because, sincerely said, it generally isn't that easy to generate marketing qualified leads on a mobile site, right?

LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms

We, from Linked Assist, are excited to talk about the LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms and hope that people worldwide understand its value.

This marketing solution will help you generate more quality leads from your sponsored content campaigns by removing the most significant hurdle of getting someone to fill out a clunky contact form on a smartphone.

The LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms feature makes it super easy to collect leads, from approximately 700 million business experts, influencers and industry leaders on LinkedIn, than ever before.

You ask me Why?

Simply because, when people click on your ads, their LinkedIn profile information automatically populates an in-app form that they can submit instantly; without typing their information manually.

Once someone submits the Lead Gen Form, you will receive a complete lead record that includes that person's name and contact information, company name, location, job title and more. The data you receive comes from a LinkedIn profile, and it's more accurate and complete than you would get from a traditional web form, where people often provide misleading pieces of information.

After submitting a form, you can give members an in-app "thank you" page that will immediately link them to your content or send them to your site to learn more.

After the form is submitted, you can forward your persona through an in-app "thank you" page that immediately drives them into your marketing funnel and connects them with your business objective.

Lead Gen Forms are a significant milestone in LinkedIn's ongoing efforts to help marketers like you drive more ROI from their campaigns. The Social Media Giant aims to continuously simplify it to allow you to measure your return and maximize outcomes for a successful business.

What Are the Benefits of using LinkedIn Lead Gen forms

Exceed your request gen targets: Ninety percent of customers surveyed met their cost-per-lead (CPL) targets.
People additionally saw lower CPLs with Linkedin Lead Gen Forms compared to their regular Sponsored campaigns.

But it's the quality of the guides that their customers say they value most: LinkedIn's professional audience and accurate profile data help them gather more likely leads.

Measure Your ROI: Their LinkedIn Campaign Manager reporting tools monitor essential metrics such as CPL, form fill rate, and other critical data points to determine the value you are getting from your advertising spend. In short, LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms also offers demographic reports that show the exact number of leads you are getting from specific segments of your audience.

Manage your leads easily: With LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms will your lead management be seamless. You can download your lists from Campaign Manager or sync leads with LinkedIn Marketing Automation Tools or CRM system through their partners Zapier and Driftrock. Marketers can send their data directly to their Marketo, Oracle Eloqua, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 accounts.

"Lead Gen Forms offers a smooth process for connecting with customers. Within minutes, you can create a campaign and start generating quality leads," LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms has improved customer experience heavily with sponsored content, as well as form-filling rates.

The best ad unit to get the best bang for your lead-gen buck. " we are confident that a mobile-first approach to Lead Gen Forms will deliver the best results for the advertiser.

How to use LinkedIn Lead Generation Forms

They also allow advertisers to use Lead Gen Forms on Sponsored InMail campaigns for mobile devices and desktops.

Discover more about LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms at Social Media Examiner here, or if you're ready to give them a try, sign up for Campaign Manager to build your campaign today.



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