Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

LinkedIn Guide for Freelancer on How to Find a Job on LinkedIn

Publisched on
11th June 2021

Are you one of those trying to find a high-paying job on LinkedIn but have little or no clue how to go about it? Worry no more because, in this Linkedin Guide for Freelancer, we will reveal some tips that will help you kiss your worries goodbye.

With millions of LinkedIn users trooping in and out every month, LinkedIn has become the ultimate gold mine for freelancers that are out to find their dream job.

But one thing you should know is that where there is gold, that's where the real competition lies. To make an impact during this great competition, you need a plan. That's why we have done the hard part by doing research and putting together this Linkedin Guide for Freelancer so that you can know the basic tips to get your dream job.

Tips on Ways to Find a Freelance Job With Linkedin

 LinkedIn Guide For Freelancer
  1. Make your LinkedIn Profile standout

    To outsmart your competitors, you first need to optimize your LinkedIn profile in a way that speaks volumes. First impressions are everything, so make it count. Take a good look at your profile photo and replace it if it's not professional enough. The reason is that it's the first thing your profile visitors will notice before anything else. It's also vital that your LinkedIn profile has proof of your writing career and expertise as it's one of the things that would attract and keep your visitors interested.

    You can also create a concise LinkedIn headline that summarizes your level of experience in not more than three phrases. Also, you can fill your biography with significant keywords to make it rank tops in LinkedIn job searches. Feel free also to include the details of the experience you gathered from your past freelance jobs.

    Include links to some of the articles that you wrote, which were published on various websites. Use the skills & Endorsement section to showcase your expertise and technical ability.

    If your profile is only visible to a few, then you should consider making it public. Setting it as private may work on other social platforms, but when it comes to LinkedIn, it will only make your visitors and recruiters have less trust for your brand and what it offers.
  1. Complete the "Open to Work" Segment

    Under your profile picture, you will find a small box that indicates your searching for a job. If this feature is not automatically on, click on it. It will tell your recruiter that you are ready for a new job.

  2. Make your job applications more personal

    If you are still following the old-fashioned way of printing several resumes with the random 'dear sir/madam' title attached to them, then you shouldn't expect a different result from what you have been getting. Instead, before you apply for each job, try to find out the name of the recruiter and possibly his or her position, and then customize it on both your resume and cover letter. This move will make your prospects more receptive.

  3. Research where you will like to work

    As a writer, you need to discover the niche that you are most passionate about because that is where your strength may be. Finding out where your greatest strength is will equally help you develop a sense of direction and unwavering focus.

    Some questions that you can ask yourself include:

    What style of writing do I find most interesting?
    What values am I looking for in the company I will like to work for?
    What industry turns me off?

    After you must have listed the top industries that you find most interesting, look for companies that fall within the sectors where your values and passions reside. The next thing you will need to do is search for roles that best suits your expertise in those organizations. If, as a writer, you don't have any clues, you can search and apply for roles such as content writer, content strategist, digital marketing manager, and many others.

    As soon as LinkedIn provides this information, check each job opening for a full job description and opportunity. Keep in mind that LinkedIn also shows the number of people who have applied for your desired role in the organization you want to work for and the mutual connections that you share with those that currently work for the recruiter.
  1. Build your clientele

    If you are new on LinkedIn, getting new clients may not be an easy option. So what do you do? First, build your clientele by establishing a LinkedIn connection with those people you know in real life. It does not also matter if their industry is different from yours. This set of people could be your previous clients, former recruiters, colleagues (both past and present), people you have met in your career path, alumni, your friends on other social media platforms, email connections, phonebooks, etc. LinkedIn has made it possible to build up to 30,000 connections on each account so ensure you maximize this opportunity.

    After exhausting this option, you can then proceed with trying to establish a connection with new contacts. And as a content writer, you should focus more on establishing a connection with content managers of companies with job openings that pique your interest.
  1. Ask for an introduction

    While hunting for job openings, you may notice that LinkedIn will frequently alert you of your share's mutual connections. You might be missing out if you choose to ignore these alerts, as each mutual connection is a potential gold mine. Make out time to read through their profile, and if you notice that they have a link to the organization you are interested in, go ahead and ask them for an introduction. You can also contact your mutual connection directly by sending them an InMail if you are confident in your relationship. But if you do not know them too well, you can use the official LinkedIn referral system to ask them for a job referral directly. In any case, you come across a job posting "In my Network" search, all you have to do is to click on the "Ask for a Referral" button to check for mutual connections.

  2. Let your visitors know you are available

    Always let your potential clients and recruiters know that you're available by sharing weekly posts that let them know your schedule. By letting them know you are available for work, the people, you've built a connection with may direct you to job openings that they know. You can also try the following tactics to optimize your job updates and become visible.

    # Try to tag professionals and companies within your niche
    # Tag companies that have open job offers
    # Tag some professionals that share the same niche with you
    # Include relevant hashtags in your industry
    # Directly tag your current clients
    # Tag previous clients that you have worked for in case they need new work

  3. Get engaged with LinkedIn groups

    To become more visible in your industry, look for LinkedIn groups with lots of experts that positively impact your industry and actively participate in it.

    To make your presence felt, you will need to do the following:
    # Like and comment on posts by other members of the group.
    # Ask questions that will give the chance to acquire more knowledge.
    # Share content of reputable leaders of thought that you feel will have an impact on members of the LinkedIn group (Click on the link to discover some Hacks & Tricks).

    By staying active in the group, the potential recruiters will quickly take notice of you. And this increases your chance of getting a job in a prominent establishment. LinkedIn groups can also serve to expand your network by boosting the number of connections on your account.
  1. Position yourself as a leader of thought by sharing valuable content

    It is okay to hunt for job openings, but what is better is having those recruiters send offers for you to come work for them. So rather than join the crowd to compete for a spot, you can comfortably choose which job has more to offer. One sure way of doing this is by positioning yourself as a leader of thought. How do you do that? You can do it by establishing your expertise and authority on all that you do. It will help you quickly build trust among freelance clients. Bear in mind that this is not a quick fix as much patience and commitment are needed to make this strategy a success. Carefully draft a content strategy that displays how passionate and interested you are in the industry. You can also add infographics to your LinkedIn account as they tend to go viral compared to text-based articles quickly.

  2. Try to establish a connection with the hiring manager

    Rather than apply for a job offer, you can try and connect with the organization's hiring manager by sending a direct InMail that describes your freelance services. While sending the direct InMail, you can also attach a stellar portfolio that has some of your best works, a short introductory video (optional), and a section to book an appointment.
 LinkedIn Guide For Freelancer

Conclusion: These strategies have worked for several people who put them into practice, and we guarantee they will also work for you. So make them a routine and thank us later.

Finally, ensure your profile is free of grammatical errors as it may turn off your potential employers. Thanks for reading!



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