Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

Linkedin for Fundraising: 8 Step Action Plan for Success

Publisched on
2nd March 2021

When it comes to starting a fundraising account for a purpose, most people often look at platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

But little do they know that LinkedIn is one platform that can help them achieve their fundraising goals faster than any other platform.

While most platforms specialize and thrive on building personal relationships, LinkedIn aims at facilitating and strengthening business relationships.

In other words, this makes it one of the most effective fundraising tools at your disposal.

By taking advantage of LinkedIn’s potentials, nonprofit organizations can tap into a platform filled with milk and honey. 

However, LinkedIn will help create the necessary awareness that your brand needs to cultivate donor relationships and build a solid rapport with business experts from different parts of the world. 

This article will be looking at different ways to set up a nonprofit LinkedIn page and use it to achieve whatever fundraising goals you have set.

How to use LinkedIn for nonprofits fundraising

Basic Types of Fundraising Methods and Strategies | LoveToKnow

1. Have a set goal

To make it big on LinkedIn and raise funds, you need to know how to start a discussion about fundraising topics.

Below are some personal questions you need to ask to ensure you're on the right track:

  • Are you trying to build a reputation as an expert for the sake of fundraising?
  • Would you like to increase the number of shares as you progress?
  • Would you like to increase the number of LinkedIn followers on the fundraising page?
  • How do you intend to go about your fundraising objectives?
  • What are the elements you need to achieve your goal?

These are some of the questions that will help give you a sense of focus when strategizing for your LinkedIn fundraising page.

You can formulate some more when convenient for you as these questions serve as a compass every step of the way. 

2. Create a fundraising page on LinkedIn

Now that we are done with the essence, it’s time to talk about the next step.

And that is creating a LinkedIn brand page to execute those plans.

Rushing to create a page without a plan is one mistake that many people make, but you don’t have to join them.

When it’s time to create a fundraising page on LinkedIn, endeavour to add a logo, cover photo and website link if your brand has one. 

3. Cultivate a content marketing strategy

The next thing is to create a content calendar that will be constantly maintained and upgraded.

Most nonprofits brands usually start with a tight budget, so it’s vital to consider your resources at all times.

Concerning that, we advise you to place a person in charge of managing your LinkedIn account if

You're too busy to handle it. You can hire some more that will help when there is an upcoming event or campaign.

For a start, you can map out six months to the one-year marketing plan in your calendar.

At the end of every quarter, you'll need to review your findings to adjust accordingly.

Again, you can plead with the other top managers of nonprofit organizations, board members and vital employees to share updates about your fundraising campaigns ahead of time on their page, even if it’s once a week. 

Note: to record a significant amount of success with this move, it’s best you established and built a rapport with them first. It will make things easier. 

4. Regularly update your LinkedIn for fundraising page

While drafting your content calendar, remember that it’s also important to regularly update your LinkedIn page.

This is one of the hidden secrets behind successful content marketing.

If you are starting, here are some of the things that you can share to keep your followers up-to-date:


Building and sustaining a fundraiser account is not as easy as many people think it is, and people are not prepared to part ways with their money without a good reason.

So, to convince some skeptical people to trust you, you will need to include a testimonial to speak on your behalf. 

 Job openings

While preparing for a campaign or special fundraising program, you may need capable hands to assist and make things easier.

LinkedIn is also a place to make such announcements.

You'd be surprised how many people will turn up for the offer.

People don't only follow big pages for news but also job openings and opportunities.

So when the need to hire more workforce arises, don't forget to look to LinkedIn.

Call for volunteers

Understandably, you’re fundraising brand may not be financially buoyant to hire capable hands.

But it shouldn’t stop you from putting up a post that asks for volunteers.

Behind the scenes of campaigns 

When it comes to the success of your fundraising page on LinkedIn, there is one thing to know, and it’s that “content is king.”

Some experts will tell you that customers don’t trust brands run by companies the way they do with personal brands.

But while that debate lingers, sharing behind the scenes of occasions and campaigns can change that narrative and make people want to associate more with you. 

Shared content

Sharing other people’s content on your page can motivate them to do the same for yours.

You can equally share breaking news and meaning statistics or insights in your industry.

It will help retain the attention of your followers.

This can come in the form of photos, videos, motivational quotes, infographics. All of these will give your engagement a boost.

5. Network

With over 645 million professional users, LinkedIn can be a great tool for nonprofit organizations to establish a good rapport with potential donors, board members, volunteers and corporations worldwide.

Creating a polished LinkedIn profile is also not an easy task to do.

So, if you don’t personally know some of the professionals listed above, the basic step to accomplishing your goal is to connect with them on LinkedIn.

But establishing those connections does not happen overnight, so you have to do it in a patient manner. 

6. Nonprofits: Linkedin for Fundraising and recruit 

Nonprofits are known for their short supply of volunteers and money.

But using LinkedIn as the tool is one way proven that organizations can achieve both.

We already know that it’s a platform based on business networking;

Incredible potentials are waiting to be tapped into when you connect with corporations that would like to partner with a cause.

The connection doesn’t only end with the companies, as individuals may also wish to either volunteer or donate as a means to support their progress.

Below are some impressive statistics from a reliable nonprofit source:

  • Over 90 percent of corporations believe that having a solid partnership with a nonprofit organization will give their brand more exposure.
  • At least nine out of ten organizations offer befitting gift programs, and an estimate of $2 to $3 billion is received in donations through such gift programs.
  • An average of 60 percent of brands worldwide offer paid time off to enable their workers to volunteer. 
  • At least 90 percent of executives concur that employee volunteering will significantly improve a person's leadership and professional skills.
  • Organizations raise about $5 billion through workplace giving annually.

7. Create a Nonprofit Group on LinkedIn

One question that would come across many people’s minds when they read the subtitle above is “why would a nonprofit organization need to create a group on LinkedIn”?

Rather than dwell on the question, think of this step as means of gathering space for your prospective supporters to engage and network with both your nonprofit organization and other members of the group.

Ideas and expertise can equally be shared in the group.

Also, brilliant business discussions can be made, and new relationships can be formed as well. 

LinkedIn groups can further help nonprofits to establish credibility and authority concerning their set target by simply providing relevant information within the group.

Another way to achieving such a reputation is by genuinely engaging in meaningful conversations with group members. 

Similar to a LinkedIn company page, your brand’s LinkedIn group should also have the basic information about your nonprofit such as a group name, logo, description, and a link to your nonprofit’s website.

Don’t forget to set standard rules for your group to interact, post and comment if they wish to stay members. 

8. Send a direct appeal 

The last step is to send a direct appeal to your followers when you feel comfortable with them.

And you can start by approaching them through a direct message.

But you have to be careful when doing this so that you don't bore or spoil your already-existing connection.

Also, ensure you keep your message short and straight to the point.


LinkedIn provides you with all that you need to build a valuable relationship with your prospective donors.

Also, from lead generation to donor cultivation is makes it one of the most effective social media channels that give you a full platter of fundraising tools.

So, what are you waiting for?

Take those fundraising goals to LinkedIn today and thank us later.



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