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Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

How to View Linkedin Profiles Anonymously

Publisched on
15th October 2021

Browsing Profiles in Private and Semi-Private Mode

One of the LinkedIn features allows you to get to know who visited your profile.
But if you check through the views, you could easily find an anonymous viewer of your profile.
If you want to stay anonymous, then here are the steps you should be doing.

Watch Video Tutorial:

Hide your LinkedIn profile information when viewing profiles

  1. Login to your LinkedIn Account
  2. Click on the Me Icon on the upper right-hand corner of the page.
  3. Click on Settings & Privacy
  4. Click on Visibility of your profile & network.
  5. Click on Profile Viewing Options

Select the mode you like, you have three options:

  1. Name and headline
  2. Your Private profile characteristics
  3. Private mode

Finally Select your chosen options.

Your changes will be updated automatically.

Note: With a LinkedIn premium account, you can browse anonymously and additionally, you can see people who viewed your profile for up to 90 days. However, this is not possible with a Free LinkedIn account.



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