Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

How to Use the Linkedin Mobile Marketing App for Your Business

Publisched on
16th May 2021

When everything is in reach with a single click in today's world, you may find your ideal businesspeople and job most conveniently, too, especially for your LinkedIn mobile marketing. Although we are fueled by multiple social media channels that enable us to stay connected, there is a blessing for career-oriented people to develop strong professional networking, too – LINKEDIN!

LinkedIn is one of the social networks that emphasize career development and professional networking. It allows you to display and submit your resume and search for your dream jobs. It also enables you to enhance your professional image through your LinkedIn profile and interacting within the business community.

Let’s look at the advantages of the LinkedIn mobile marketing strategies for business and how you may implement these LinkedIn mobile marketing strategies. Discovering ways for the maximum productivity you can bring using your mobile app for LinkedIn:

Add Characters to Your Official Linkedin Mobile Marketing Profile Headline.

Each user has a unique profile with its username, headline, and profile photo. You can see that while searching for the connections or relevant content. LinkedIn allows you to update your profile anytime you want, although it's easier to modify on desktop than the application. Each user can set up to 120 characters long profile headline, which is also the default limit. If you need to exceed this limit for the "company name and job title" headline or go beyond, it allows you to become more creative, and the 120-characters limit could feel restrictive.

The main benefit of making amendments to your LinkedIn profile through the mobile application is that someone may exceed the headline limit and are open to writing more or less 200 characters. But this could be beneficial or not because sometimes your headline may get cropped in mobile and desktop view. But prefer using amendments via your mobile app if you are trying to fit your profile description within the length of 120-characters.

Personalize Your Connection Request Using Your Linkedin Mobile Marketing Application

LinkedIn Mobile Marketing App

It's always great to make a good impression when someone visits your profile or when you try to reach somebody using your connection requests in LinkedIn. So, always send an excellent personalized and customized message to stand out compared to other applicants and crowd. Sending personalized LinkedIn Messages rather than the default will help you build good and long-term relationships, ultimately leading you to start the professional talk to do business successfully.

If your purpose of using LinkedIn is to develop a powerful and robust network, always remember that members accept invitations with a personalized note. However, you may personalize your connection request easily using your LinkedIn mobile application anytime you want.

Follow the following steps to make your connections personalized through the mobile app:

  • Open the application and click the “More…”. It is a button present close to the top.
  • Choose "Personalize Invite" from the menu.
  • Include a message that you want to send before sending the invitation

Remember that your message could be as long much as 300 characters. That is considered good enough to tell someone about you. This includes why you deem yourself suitable for the connections. Additionally, how it could be beneficial for both parties to connect.

Send Messages Using Your Linkedin Mobile Marketing Application.

LinkedIn Mobile Marketing App

There are multiple ways to send important messages for your connections that are first-degree using your LinkedIn mobile application. When someone has a new unread message, they will see a dark red number sign beside the message icon present on the topmost of your mobile screen. Tap it to open your message screen, and now you can reply to the received messages. Whereas you may touch the"+" button to compose a new message. Here you can type, send a video, GIF, photo, attachments, file, etc.

The message option also includes a fantastic feature to mention another user by pressing "@" along with the username. This is how you can add a third person in the conversation to let them know if you are scheduling a call or meeting for them. Moreover, LinkedIn also allows you to save and send location within your connection.

Get Updates Regarding Scheduled Meetings by Syncing the Calendar on Your Linkedin Mobile Marketing for Business.

You may use your LinkedIn mobile marketing application to do eleventh-hour preparation before the meeting. You have to give your LinkedIn application your iPhone’s or android’s calendar access for this very purpose. Firstly, give the calendar permission in your mobile settings.

If you are using android, tap or click your profile photo. Then tap on the settings option available at the right top of your screen. Then click account, sync calendar, and then toggle calendar to the right. Whereas, if you are an iOS user, tap on the profile photo. Then select setting from the pop-up menu, click sync calendar. After that, the calendar is added on the right to your screen.

Search for the Nearby Linkedin Mobile Users Through Location

LinkedIn Mobile Marketing App

The LinkedIn mobile app for business allows you to search for the LinkedIn users near you (100 feet or 30 meters). Furthermore, this feature helps you at an event or meeting and lets you see who is in the same room. To enable this feature, turn your Bluetooth on your mobile, go to the Network tab, tap the menu. Then tap "Find Nearby" to check out your fellow members.

If you locate the nearby members in your connections, you will notice that there is an option to send a message to them. On the other hand, if you do not want to send them a message, there is also an option for sending an invitation to connect.

Use Your Linkedin Mobile Marketing QR Code to Connect Quickly via Mobile App.

If you meet somebody in person and need to connect with them, find and send them your unique LinkedIn QR code. To see your QR code, open the app on your phone. Then select the icon of the QR code. The search bar is on the left of this icon. Once the code screen gets open, you will see two options there, My Code and Scan. Tap to My Code, and you will find the QR code you need there.

Access to the Latest News Through Your Linkedin Mobile Marketing Application

Like other applications, LinkedIn mobile marketing allows you to stay updated with the latest news and happenings about the companies you follow on your account. You may easily share, like as well as comment on their content through your news feed. LinkedIn also provides you with the latest relevant insights that you might be interested in. You may check the daily professional news and stories in your feed. You can also search through the bar at the top of your mobile app screen.

Do Posting Anytime Using Your Linkedin Mobile Marketing App

You can post daily updates using your mobile app, whereas avoid posting long stories with such a small keyboard. Open your LinkedIn mobile marketing application and tap to "Write a Post." You will find different options there, like adding pictures, videos, and documents. Once you start composing a post, LinkedIn will recommend different hashtags to make your post viewed by the most relevant people. You will also find other options like finding an expert, creating a poll, or celebrating an occasion. Go with any available options that suit you the best and let the world get updated about you.



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