Written by
Giuseppe Gurrieri

5 LinkedIn Brand Marketing Tips to Take Your Business to the Next Level

Publisched on
16th July 2021

Life is hard, but the inception of covid-19 even made it much more difficult. Most businesses stopped making as much as they used to, which has even made it more difficult for marketers to meet their set goals. As a marketer, have you tried the LinkedIn Brand Marketing way? Mind you, marketing isn't only reserved for those hired to do the marketing job specifically. As a company or organization, everyone is a marketer. That's the only way any business that is willing to succeed can bounce back from the harsh effects of Covid-19.

If you have tried every other way and you do not see positive results, then it is time for you to try the LinkedIn way. 

LinkedIn, through the years, has proven to be an effective tool for generating B2B leads that most businesses to date do not know. 

Research has shown that a whopping 93% of B2B marketers say LinkedIn is the way to go when it comes to generating leads. In case you haven’t realized, LinkedIn is a lead generation magnet. 

This article will show you some easy steps that you can follow to generate leads for your brand.

Tips To Generate Leads with LinkedIn Brand Marketing

LinkedIn Brand Marketing
  1. Create a profile for your brand
    With millions of users on LinkedIn, you will only be missing out on a huge opportunity not to be a part of the ever-growing platform.
    As a marketer, you may have built a reputation for yourself either in your area or country. But one fact that remains is that you haven't yet touched the world.
    So, if you don't already have a LinkedIn profile, you need to have one and fast.

For starters, you have to create a profile for both yourself and your brand. Do you have to pay for it? Certainly not! Creating a company profile is free on LinkedIn as it is with most social media platforms.
Below are steps that you will need to create your LinkedIn profile:

-Enter your company name
What you need to avoid here is choosing a name that is different from what is already registered in associates' minds in real life.

-Upload a professional photo
A picture says a thousand words. Does it sound familiar? That's because it's true. It's also the first thing to give your visitors a clue of what kind of brand you run. Would you mind taking a second look at your profile image and ensuring it's professional enough?

-Create an About Us section
This is one (also called LinkedIn Summary) section that prospects will often check out. So, ensure that it encapsulates your brand. Don't forget to include your website and any other vital information in this category. It's also necessary to include the crucial details in this category because LinkedIn will use it to make your profile more visible when people search for things that relate to your brand. The last but not the least thing that you need to do is include keywords in this category as it will help your profile rank both on LinkedIn and on Google.

-Include your Location
As we earlier mentioned, you might be well recognized in your business area, but that doesn't mean that you've reached every loop and cranny of your city or country. This is where LinkedIn steps in and helps push your brand forward. By including your location, when someone visits your profile, likes what you do, and also sees that you are closer to them, this will serve as a bonus as it will most likely boost their interest and make them watch your space.

  1. Create lots of content
    Now that you're creating your profile, it's time to create content for your target audience. Without the right and consistent content, your brand can easily be forgotten. Like every other platform, content marketing is highly crucial. Research by experts says that over two-thirds of the people that use LinkedIn regard themselves as news freaks. Give it a second thought, and you will discover that it is true, given that you have tons of professionals on LinkedIn who are constantly searching for trending things in their industry. Knowledge is more than power, and the more you know, the farther you get ahead of your competitors. It would be best if you consider the following when curating content for your account.

    Nothing kills a brand faster than not being consistent with delivery. If your busy schedule can't allow you to post in few days to keep up with the steady influx of visitors and high engagement, then choose a period like once or twice a week and be consistent with it.

Switch it up
Try a blend of different ways to post to keep your target audience interested and engaged. Here, you can explore mediums such as writing articles that educate your audience. You can also pass the crucial message through images, videos, live streams, and other tools.
Bonus tip: Be sure to create a catchy headline for each post, as it will help increase the level of engagement.

Keep them coming back for more
If you want to increase the traffic to your website or blog, we recommended sharing content in briefs. But ensure you attach a link to the post to direct them to read the full article or blog post. Please do it for a while and then make full posts on your LinkedIn page. If you post only briefs on your LinkedIn, over time, it could either be perceived as a strategy, or they could get bored and skip to the next profile.

Stand out from the crowd
As a content marketer trying to win over the hearts of your target audience from your business opponent, you need to update yourself with new information constantly. Sharing five to ten pieces of this information as a published post on your LinkedIn will help you establish credibility fast. Remember, your competitors are also striving to retain their customers so that you will be most likely competing against hundreds of thousands of articles and posts each week. Be sure your content addresses the needs of your audience.

Use call to actions
Have it at the back of your mind that you won't convert a prospect to a customer unless they click. With that said, curate your content in such a way that it makes your prospects take action.

  1. Practice InMail marketing
    For a long time, content marketers have used InMail as an effective way to market on LinkedIn efficiently. The only challenge with InMail is that it's a paid feature, but if you're willing to make money, you have to be ready to spend some yourself. For starters, $79 a month for InMail service is a lot. But truth be told, what you will be able to achieve with InMail will be three times worth more than what you spent.
    Once you've activated the InMail service, you will be able to directly contact anyone you wish to establish a connection with on LinkedIn. In other words, this means that limitations or barriers that stand between you and that potential prospects will help your business growth has been lifted. Think of how busier your schedule will be if the response rate that you get tripled over time.
    What's more with InMail? InMail has an inbuilt analytics tool that will assist you in fine-tuning your messages to your prospects.

4. Get acquainted with the LinkedIn marketing blog

Because the LinkedIn team is aware that their millions of professionals from different niches are on the platform, they are steadily building resources that will help you improve your LinkedIn Brand Marketing experience.

By following LinkedIn's marketing blog, you will learn how to leverage certain toolkits that will help you reach more audiences.

If you’re an active follower, you will also be notified whenever they update their tools and equally when new features are released. From LinkedIn’s marketing blog, you will be able to pick up an idea or two that will help you boost your lead generation.

5. Use LinkedIn’s Sales Solutions

With LinkedIn's paid sales solutions, you will be allowed to target, research, and easily connect with a new audience. It's also one tool that will give you tremendous insight into virtually what is happening on the platform. Guess what? This tool is also flexible enough to contain any sales team, but one downside is that it's not free. Look on the bright side, as LinkedIn claims that you can gain as much as 35% more in deals and equally gain up to 34% more opportunities for what you pay for.


The more competitors flood in, the more difficult it is for brands struggling to get a strong foothold on generating leads. But you don't have to be a part of those on the losing end. That's why we have put together this well-researched article that will guide you to success. Get on to LinkedIn as quickly as possible and use the tips that we have shared to build a solid digital presence for your brand. The five tips in this guide are guaranteed to help your lead pool grow. 



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