How to Get the Most Out of LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn has gained a lot of popularity ever since Microsoft bought it for $26 billion. Microsoft has made its boldest move yet after the failure of its acquired mobile company, Nokia Corp.

When a company invests so much in other enterprises then concluding that it has a lot of potential in the future, wouldn’t be a bad prediction at all.

Otherwise, why would Microsoft invest billions of dollars to acquire LinkedIn? This means that LinkedIn has yet to offer greatness.

And when things go about an innovated change, good things happen to its consumers/users.

You can also hypothesize that a lot of wonderful things will happen for businesses and marketers who can utilize LinkedIn’s feature to their own benefits.

These people are sure to profit from this acquisition if Microsoft plans to embed LinkedIn with its own platforms.

If you are not one of these people then don’t fret. There is still hope.

In our previous article, we told that in your Social Media Plan must the LinkedIn Marketing Strategies 2020 be included if you want to be successful and getting better conversion rates.

But you have to know how to get the most out of Social Network for Business if you ever want to take it to full advantage. And if you don’t know how they don’t worry either.

This is what we are going to tell you in this short article. But before that, you need to know what Big L has to offer to its users.

So, without further ado, let’s get started:


We are certain that no other social media platform offers similar opportunities right now. There is a reason why we keep saying that, and later in this article, we will also tell you the reason for it.
Here is what if offers:

Now, let’s talk about how these features can help you get the most out of LinkedIn.



A Company Page is basically a page where you describe your company, business, or brand. This page allows others to learn more about what you do, and what you offer.

It also becomes a HubSpot for job opportunities and people can reach to you if they’re interested in your company. No matter who you are, you can easily create a company page if you’re a user.

Making a company page is relatively easy to do and LinkedIn will guide you throughout the process.

There is no rocket science involved so don’t worry about doing it on your own. Remember, this is a crucial step to create brand awareness on LinkedIn and you should first create a company page before you move on towards the next step, which is:



You must recall the blogging part that we wrote about in our earlier blog, where we told you that LinkedIn allows its users to blog or create content that’s more rich and formatted than any other social media platform out there. LinkedIn now calls it Pulse.

And if you’re familiar with blogging then you will easily get the hang of it in just a matter of few minutes.

Creating rich, useful, and practical content is very important when you want to expose your brand, build trust and loyalty for your business. It is also a great way to increase quality traffic, get leads and allow the potential audience to connect with you, and create a healthy relationship.


Once you have a company page and publish content on LinkedIn, it’s time to move onto LinkedIn Groups.

Believe us, a single LinkedIn group, if managed properly, can become the most powerful tool to build your entire business.

We are dead serious. It even allows you to become an industry leader because the engagement in a group is far more superior to any other digital space. So, in our eyes, creating a group is also a highly recommended task to do.

Again, it’s relatively easy to create your own group as LinkedIn will navigate you on its own.


Just like LinkedIn Pulse, Slideshare is also one of the content creation tools that you must utilize if you want to make your LinkedIn marketing successful.
If you didn’t know, LinkedIn’s Slideshare has become a global hub for professional content.

More than 70 million visitors surf Slideshare every month. And this is why your content should be there for the viewers to see.

As its name indicates, Slideshare is based on slides that are often images of useful content, which people find more fascinating than a common article.

But with the latest updates, you can also upload documents, infographics, and videos.

Unlike Pulse, Slideshare offers a lot of flexibility to share multiple channels of content. And when you combine it with Pulse then it becomes a flawless duo for publishing and sharing your content.


LinkedIn Bot Vs LinkedIn Ads
This is a no-brainer. Like all other social media sites, you have the availability of using paid ads to promote your product or service to a potential audience.

But here is the thing: LinkedIn Ads are far better than other social media ads. Here is why:
LinkedIn has more knowledge about its users than its siblings.

The reason is simple: these users are professional and they like to keep their profile updated with everything like demographics,

job title, job function, company name, company size, industry, age, gender, etc. to ensure that they portray professionalism.

And due to that, you have the flexibility of targeting the most accurate audience and filter away everyone that wouldn’t find the use of your product or service or doesn’t fit the buyer’s persona.


Now, what we have been talking about is mostly related to the free platform like any other social site. But, it also has its own premium platform that makes it a true marvel.

LinkedIn Premium is packed with highly productive tools that renowned firms like Microsoft have used to increase their sales productivity and you can do the same as well.

You can unlock premium features with a subscription. Based on your business needs, you can choose the most suitable package that is available for you. The Premium Subscription is meant for:

  1. Job Seekers: People who wish to advance in their careers.
    Businesses: Brands or enterprises that want to promote their products or service
  2. Recruiters: Headhunters who are looking for talented professionals
  3. Sales/Marketers: Businesses that want to generate quality leads, identify prospects, and skyrocket their sales. It’s also known as the Sales Navigator, and LinkedIn is proud of it.

Once you have laid out a plan and executed what we have written above then it would be a wise decision to try out LinkedIn Premium and learn how it can drastically help your business.

Or ? continue to read and I show you our LinkedIn automation tool for a professional LinkedIn Marketing Automation:

LinkedIn Messaging Software

Check out Linked Assist, which helps you to leverage your LinkedIn Marketing, with top automation features. Linked Assist is not only a LinkedIn Messaging Software but does automate all important Marketing tasks.


Now you know how you can utilize LinkedIn and promote your business or brand like a professional marketer or business person. But it doesn’t end here. We will keep updating you with the latest articles that will allow you to have complete mastery, so keep in touch.
Subscribe, if you haven’t already, and be sure to let us know your thoughts about the topic.

LinkedIn Marketing